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Chief Administrative Officer/CAO (Production Services COO Organization)

BNY Mellon

You can make a difference by working at BNY Mellon, where finance, technology and business intersect, to power the global financial industry.


Ou r Te a m

Te c hno l o g y S e r v i c e s G r o u p ( T SG) p r o v i d es r e l i a b l e, r e s il i e n t, n e x t – g e n er a t i o n e n ter p ri s e t e c hn o l o g y i nf r a s t r uc t u re an d s upp o r t t ha t e n a b les B N Y M e ll o n e m p l o yees to d el i v er t h e w h o le f i r m to t h eir co l le a g u es a n d c lie n t s a r o un d t h e w o rl d . W e a re c o n t i nu o u s ly i m p r o vi n g a u t o m a ti o n an d b ri d g i n g t h e g a p b e t w e en c os t, c u s t o mer n e e d s , an d i nno v a t iv e t oo l s t o e n s u re t h e b e s t p oss i b l e e xp e r i e n c e.

As p a rt o f T S G , o u r T e c hno l o gy P r odu ct i o n S e r vic e s te a m is d e d i c a t ed t o e n s u r i n g t ha t o u r te c hn o l og y e n v i r o n m e n ts a re b e s t in c l a s s . O u r P r o d u c ti o n S e r vi c es t e a m d eli v e r s a f u l l I T s e r vi c e m ana g e m e n t l i f e c y c le a c r o s s a l l r un – t h e – b an k a pp l i c a t i o n s a n d i n f r a s tr uc t u re s u p p o rt w i t h t h e pu r p o s e o f p r o vi d i n g a c o n tr o l le d , s e c u r e, a n d p re d i c t ab le p r o d uc t i o n e n vir o n m e n t.

O u r t e a m m e m b e r s u s e t h e i r te chn i c a l s k i l ls an d bu s i n e s s k n o w l e d g e t o b ri n g f o rth so l u t i o n s t ha t w ill t a k e o u r c o m p a n y i n t o t h e f u t u r e . I f y o u a r e a c o l l ab o r a t i ve c o n ti nua l l e a r n er w i t h a gl o ba l m i n d – s et an d a d e s i r e to con t r i b u te t o o u r c o m p a n y ‘ s t o p p r i o r i t i e s , t h is is t h e p l a c e f o r y o u .

T h e R o l e

As a CAO and member of the COO/CAO Technology Production Services team, you will initiate, define, and lead the most complex projects of strategic importance to the business, across multiple domain areas: budgeting, business planning, risk identification and mitigation, regulatory compliance, communications, policy development, change management and process improvement. You will work closely with Senior Management, including C-Suite executives to understand their needs, develop and implement appropriate guidance, direction, and communication in place of the executive.

You will possess the skills to coordinate, manage, and oversee day-to-day projects, tasks and initiatives enabling them to maintain and improve overall productivity of the Executive end-user profile and our clients. Align the team to ensure the maximum computing efficiency of Executive systems which will include but is not limited to desktop/laptop hardware, software, mobile devices, cloud applications and collaboration tools.

K e y R e s pon s i b i l i t i e s :

  • Help drive strategic vision and priorities; create product/service roadmaps
  • Work directly with the leadership team to prioritize technology projects, align resources and track status
  • Ensure projects/tasks and daily operations are within scope and budget
  • Collaborate with communications on executive reporting around program statuses
  • Align employees with our company values; increase productivity, enhance wellbeing, and improve workplace conditions
  • Manage audit, risk and compliance tasks
  • Create/maintain relevant process and documentation
  • Special Projects: D e v e l o p b e s t p r a c ti c e s a n d p l a y bo o k s

Qu a l i f ic a ti o n s

  • 7 years’ experience in an IT administrative or support role
  • Strong written and verbal communication competency
  • E xc el l e n t i n t er p er so n a l s k i l l s an d e x p er i e n c e e n g a g i n g w i t h e x e cu t i v e s t ak e h o l d e r s , i n c l ud i n g C – s u ite a n d B o a r d s o f D i r e c t o r s .
  • H i g h ly o r g a n i z e d w i t h o u t s t and i n g a tte n t i o n to d e t a il, a b l e to w o r k e f f e c ti v ely u n d er p re ss u re a n d ti g h t d e a d l i n es w it h in a d y na m i c e n v ir o n m e n t.
  • A b i l ity t o w o rk n o n -s t and a rd wo r k h o u rs du e to g l o ba l na t u re o f r o l e
  • Solid organizational skills, attention to detail and ability to multitask
  • Basic knowledge of IT systems
  • Project Management experience desired but not required

Leads and defines the reactive and proactive processes and activities required to design, implement, maintain, and improve the compliance and performance of operations processes. Assists in leading the design of a process, identifying all process goals, objectives, and components. Defines all the roles and responsibilities associated with a process. Drives creation of process requirements, functional requirements, and validation of solutions. Oversees testing and process rollouts for highly complex or multiple enhancements. Identifies and defines the control points of the process and process integrations. Directs activities that affect stakeholders across multiple functionalities for process development, implementation, and support. Identifies risks, issues, or constraints that might hinder or prevent monitoring activities. Identifies all business events, situations, or conditions that may initiate (trigger) a process to begin, or interrupt or stop the successful execution of a process. Contributes to the achievement of area objectives. Bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related discipline, or equivalent work experience required, certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt 10-12 years of related experience required, experience in the securities or financial services industry is a plus..

BNY Mellon is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Minorities/Females/Individuals with Disabilities/Protected Veterans. Our ambition is to build the best global team – one that is representative and inclusive of the diverse talent, clients and communities we work with and serve – and to empower our team to do their best work. We support wellbeing and a balanced life, and offer a range of family-friendly, inclusive employment policies and employee forums.

Employer Description:

For over 230 years, the people of BNY Mellon have been at the forefront of finance, expanding the financial markets while supporting investors throughout the investment lifecycle. BNY Mellon can act as a single point of contact for clients looking to create, trade, hold, manage, service, distribute or restructure investments and safeguards nearly one-fifth of the world’s financial assets. BNY Mellon remains one of the safest, most trusted and admired companies. Every day our employees make their mark by helping clients better manage and service their financial assets around the world. Whether providing financial services for institutions, corporations or individual investors, clients count on the people of BNY Mellon across time zones and in 35 countries and more than 100 markets. It’s the collective ambition, innovative thinking and exceptionally focused client service paired with a commitment to doing what is right that continues to set us apart. Make your mark: bnymellon.com/careers.

EEO Statement:

BNY Mellon is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Minorities/Females/Individuals With Disabilities/Protected Veterans. Our ambition is to build the best global team – one that is representative and inclusive of the diverse talent, clients and communities we work with and serve – and to empower our team to do their best work. We support wellbeing and a balanced life, and offer a range of family-friendly, inclusive employment policies and employee forums.

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Chief Administrative Officer/CAO (Production Services COO Organization)

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BNY Mellon

You can make a difference by working at BNY Mellon, where finance, technology and business intersect, to power the global financial industry.

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