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Visual Studio Code (2022)

Start your coding journey with Visual Studio code editor

hey, are you looking to get into programming, you already started and struggling with the slow editor, and would you like to work with a lightweight and fast source code editor,

that can handle all of your tasks. Then vs code is the best choice for you.

Helo my name is jayanta sarkar.and I will be leading you through this course.

This course is for beginners. In a short time, we will discuss the important topics.

together we will start by understanding the interface of vs code.

then we are going to jump into the files section folder section, sidebar status bar, project folders,

extensions we are going to work with command palette, Visual Studio code settings, keyboard shortcuts, terminals

some advanced features, Emmett, and many more.

Everything you need to know as a beginner is mentioned here.

This course will teach you everything about VS code from basics to advanced. My main focus will be on improving your productivity and giving you a nice workflow for writing code professionally.

You can go through the course content to see the topics covered in this course.

Who this course is for:

  • Those who want to shift from a boring code editor

  • Those who are frustrated by using heavy IDE

  • New web developers looking for development tools

  • Programmers who want to use Vs code as their go-to code editor

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