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Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis

A step by step approach to stock investing and analysis for the prudent value investor

FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME!! And what a time it is for value investing.

Don’t believe us, according to a June 5th 2020 FT article by Merryn Somerset Webb, in “1904, value had been underperforming for 14 years and by 59%. It showed its best performance ever over the subsequent 16 years. This time around it’s 11 years of value underperformance and by 59%.”

The historic divergence between growth and value stocks presents a huge opportunity for those willing to learn.

This course is meant to empower those looking to invest and create stock portfolios, with tools for value investing and selecting stocks based on strong long-term fundamentals.

It introduces and covers practical aspects of evaluating company financial statements, utilizing and calculating investment ratios and come with a practical model for analysis and comparing different stocks.

A course with all elements to help the student start from scratch in investing in stocks and ensuring their approach is one that uses conservative, long-term value based investing principles.

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