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SAP SD Interview Questions

This course is a point-to-point Q&A on the most frequently asked questions in SAP Sales and Distribution.

** Disclaimer ** –  

  1. I do NOT do Live Training. SAP is a registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and many other countries. I am NOT associated with SAP.
  2. SAP software and SAP GUI are proprietary SAP software. Neither Udemy nor me are authorized to provide SAP Access. You can officially get SAP Access to practice on SAP system from SAP’s website. I am not allowed by Udemy to place a link here. Please google “SAP Access” and you can find the URL for the same.

Interview questions are meant to test your real-time project experience. This course is designed to provide you that practical knowledge and understanding of some tricky subjects in SAP Sales and Distribution.However, this course only explains point to point questions and assumes a basic knowledge of all the configuration and customization aspects of SAP SD.

The core focus of this course is to make you answer an interview question in the best way possible.

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