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Real-World Cloud Product Management Specialization

Sponsored by AMAZON WEB SERVICES (AWS). Learn cloud product management from AWS leaders who make hiring and promotion decisions! Understand the technology and business of the cloud, and ace the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification exam.
Created and offered by ADVANCING WOMEN IN TECH (AWIT). Sponsored by AMAZON WEB SERVICES (AWS).

Learn cloud product management using the same curriculum as AWS PMs! Gain insights to impress on your first (or next) cloud computing role.

Lead instructor Nancy Wang, General Manager of AWS Backup and Data Protection Services at Amazon Web Services, and Founder and CEO of Advancing Women in Tech (AWIT), teaches you the skills desired by hiring managers at the world’s top cloud providers. These skills will serve you throughout your career.

This Specialization features insights from the following cloud leaders:

Mai-Lan Tomsen Bukovec, Vice President, AWS Object and Block Storage
Erin Yang, Chief Technologist, Workday Ventures
Boyd Bischoff, Director, AWS Software Development
Dan Scheinman, first investor in Zoom
Todd Weatherby, Vice President, AWS Professional Services

Ready to interview or demonstrate your cloud knowledge? This Specialization allows you to ace the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam. Instructor Gordon Yu, Technical Program Manager at AWS, and General Counsel and Coursera Director at AWIT, has helped many in Amazon pass the exam. He shares his knowledge and strategies in this Specialization.

Views expressed are solely AWIT’s, and not necessarily those of AWS, Coursera, or others. © 2021 AWIT. No claim on others’ content fairly used for teaching pursuant to 17 USC § 107 and applicable caselaw.

Applied Learning Project
Learners will test their conceptual knowledge of the technical and business considerations of the cloud with over 200 questions. Specifically, diligent learners will demonstrate proficiency in:

Cloud velocity, its impact on organizational psychology, and how to deliver and lead at scale
Cloud product management
Analyzing, setting, and adjusting prices for cloud services
Writing to the public or to customers
Interpreting technical architecture diagrams
Analyzing the financial performance of cloud services as a cloud provider and as a customer
When to use the right Storage, Compute, Databases, Analytics, Blockchain, Machine Learning, and other services
How to manage an enterprise-scale cloud deployment using Management, Governance, and Security tooling
How to review enterprise-scale cloud deployments for compliance with the AWS Well-Architected Framework
Optionally, leaners can complete 10 official AWS 10-minute tutorials

Course Information

Estimated Time: Approximately 3 months to complete Suggested pace of 2 hours/week

Difficulty: Beginner

Course Instructor

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Course Information

Estimated Time: Approximately 3 months to complete Suggested pace of 2 hours/week

Difficulty: Beginner