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Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace

Course Title- Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace

Sexual harassment of a woman in workplace is of serious concern to humanity on the whole. The victims of sexual harassment face psychological and health effects like stress, depression, anxiety, shame, guilt and so on.

The increase in the number of female employees in any organisation though is a welcome sign for the growth of the organisation and the economy, this can also mean increase in number of sexual harassment cases.

This course is to create awareness amongst all the employees of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, from the top executives to the employees down the line .The course discusses in detail about the following:

Below mentioned topics would be covered in POSH module.

What is a sexual harassment? How can it be prevented? Meaning and importance of gender equality at the workplace. Myths and Realities of Sexual Harassment at Workplace. Types of sexual harassment at workplace. Behaviour that constitute sexual harassment at workplace. Types of harassers. Impact of sexual harassment. Dissemination of information and awareness generation. Redress. How to file the complaint? What is the role of the employer? What are the relief measures available to the victim? Penalties and punishments imposed to the harasser and the duties and the responsibilities of the employer.

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