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Personal Branding

This course introduces the personal branding concept and helps people to learn how to successfully promote themselves

branding is the process of developing a “mark” that is created
around your personal name or your career. The main goal of personal
branding is to develop one reputation and grow successfully by
networking in a way that interests others. The course is structured
as following: The first Unit is dedicated to the general ideas about
personal branding. The second Unit provides self-assessment skills
for a successful personal branding management. The third Unit is
highlights the keys aspects of personal branding and how to set the
objectives and lever in our strengths to achieve our goals.. The
fourth Unit describes the online reputation in relation with personal
branding. Finally, the fifth Unit analyses the personal branding as a
tool for career management.

In all units, we will see real cases
of students (personal interviews) to show specific examples of the
best practice of personal branding techniques.

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