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Learn How to Be Creative in MS Word (special card)

Learn How to Be Creative in MS Word Step by Step. Get easy step by step instructions to make a card in Microsoft Word.

What is this course about and why should I take it?

This course you will learn how to make special card. Each lecture will guide you step by step on what you are going to do. There are easy and simple instruction and be creative. We will cover areas such as using text and formatting, resizing, working with fonts and WordArt. Also covered is the use of images in our Microsoft Word document. We cover inserting images, formatting, resizing, bringing and image in from our computer, using image styles that are in Microsoft Word.

The main purpose of this course is to show you the various features of Microsoft Word, what it can do and to show you, simply how to use this features, using images, text, styles, formatting so you can make something creative. Our

Our videos are simple and we take you step by step.

What kind of materials are included?

Detailed, simple videos are provided to take you step by step on how to make your creative piece of artwork. Microsoft Word is a great program to use. We show and guide you in creating your own artwork.

How long will the course take to complete?

There is over 40 minutes of easy step by step material so you can let your imagination go wild!

How is the course structured?

Valentine’s Day Flyer Summary

  • Lesson 1 Introduction
  • Lesson 2 Downloading a Template
  • Lesson 3 Adding and editing the text on the template
  • Lesson 4 Adding and Adjusting Images
  • Lesson 5 Working with Our Heading
  • Lesson 6 Wrapping up

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