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Java Tutorial for Beginners

Learn all the basic concepts of java in this course to start a journey to become a Successful Java Developer.

In This course your will learn the basic Java Concepts Likes :-

  1. First Java Program :- You will understand the working of a simple hello world java program.

  2. Variables in Java :- You will learn about what is a variable. And how to use and create a variable.

  3. Data Types in Java :- We will discuss what are data types and what are the different types of data types.

  4. String in Java :- In this tutorial, We will learn what is a string, How to use a string, and some commonly used operations performed on String.

  5. Arrays in Java :- In this tutorial, We will learn what is an array, How to create an array, and How to use it.

  6. Java Operators :- In this tutorial, We will learn what is operator and the different types of operators in Java.

  7. if-else & switch :- In this tutorial, we will learn the working of if, if-else, and switch statements in Java.

  8. For and While Loops :- In this tutorial, We will learn about what are loops, Different types of loops, and the working of for and while loops.

  9. Exception Handling in Java :- In this tutorial, we will learn what is an exception, how the occurrence of an exception affects the execution flow of a program. At the end, we will learn how to handle exceptions using try-catch.

  10. Objects and Classes in Java :- In this tutorial, we will learn how to create and use Objects and Classes.

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