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Healthcare IT Support Specialization

Launch Your Career in Healthcare IT Support. Get a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the growing field of Healthcare IT support!
Are you looking to get your foot in the door as a Healthcare IT Support specialist? Do you want to solve technical problems for healthcare professionals and health system employees? Have you always wanted to enter an in-demand field in Health Information Technology? The courses in this specialization are designed to pique your interest regarding the ever-evolving field of IT support in healthcare. In order to help physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and a wide range of other allied health professionals and non-clinical staff, you need to be familiar with the basic language of healthcare. Through this 4-course specialization, we’ll take you on a whirlwind tour of what it means to play a critical role in maintaining the ongoing operations of a hospital, health system, clinic or other healthcare setting. You’ll be introduced to the basics of health IT fundamentals, the different technologies relevant to healthcare, and important aspects of data security, privacy and compliance. You’ll have an opportunity to hear stories of inspiration from health IT staff who once were in your shoes. Go behind-the-scenes at a large hospital to learn about the many ways in which IT support staff play a role in helping patients, providers and the population. You’ll even receive tips on job interviews and advice on how to succeed on this career path.

Applied Learning Project
At the end of each course, you’ll be given a series of case prompts that mimic actual problems health IT support specialists might be tasked with addressing. You’ll have an opportunity to demonstrate what you’ve learned in resolving problems. Learning the language of healthcare and health IT can be difficult for those not from clinical backgrounds. We’ll reinforce for you the definitions and terms that you can expect to hear when fielding phone calls and troubleshooting matters for patients, prescribers and other personnel.

Course Information

Estimated Time: Approximately 4 months to complete Suggested pace of 2 hours/week

Difficulty: Beginner



Course Information

Estimated Time: Approximately 4 months to complete Suggested pace of 2 hours/week

Difficulty: Beginner