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Fashion Illustration for Busy Practitioners who can’t draw

Tips and Tricks of an Insider revealed to help you master Fashion Illustration and produce real results for clients

Master Fashion Illustration within days

Secrets, tips and tricks from a business insider who has 10-year experience in the fashion industry.

Anyone and everyone can learn and master Fashion Illustration within days (no, not years, not even months) and produce great sketches within minutes.

If you want to learn it the traditional way – the hard-earned way, and try to eyeball everything from scratch, and spend months and years on learning how to become an artist, then you could SKIP this course because that is apparently not what this course covers.

This course is for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS with NO PREREQUISITE drawing skill.

What you will learn through this course includes:

  • How to draw anyway and produce real results, even if you feel like giving up all the time.

  • How to create 9-head and 10-head croquis with straight standing and moving poses within minutes (with templates provided).

  • How to produce a pencil sketch for your client in less than 10 minutes.

  • How to pick out your favourite coloring method that best conveys your style.

  • How to get creative with 3 super cool and fun fashion illustration projects, including the Runway Inspired Project, Story Telling Project and Mixed Media Project.

Let’s get started with our first sketch!

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