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Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 I.T. Part – 3

Conditional Formatting, insert sheets in a spreadsheet, Creating reference to other sheets, Types of cell references

1. What do you mean by What-if Analysis?

2. What are the three kinds of What-if Analysis tools which come with Excel?

3. What is What-if Scenario?

4. Write a note on Goal Seek?

5. What are Data tables- One variable data table and two variable data table?

6. Write a note on Excel Solver tool? How it works?

1. What do you mean by Conditional Formatting and when it is used?

2. What are the different types of Conditional Formatting?

1. How to insert a new sheet in a spreadsheet?

2. How to rename sheets in a spreadsheet?

1. How to create cell reference to other sheets (in the same spreadsheet) by using mouse?

2. How to create cell reference using a keyboard?

3. How to create cell reference to other spreadsheets using mouse or by using keyboard?

1. What do you mean by cell reference.

2. What is relative cell reference? How to create relative cell reference?

1. What is Absolute Cell Reference? How to create absolute cell reference?

2. What is Mixed Cell Reference? How to create Mixed cell reference?

1. What do you mean by What-if Analysis?

2. What are the three kinds of What-if Analysis tools which come with Excel?

3. What is What-if Scenario?

4. Write a note on Goal Seek?

5. What are Data tables- One variable data table and two variable data table?

6. Write a note on Excel Solver tool? How it works?

1. What do you mean by Conditional Formatting and when it is used?

2. What are the different types of Conditional Formatting?

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