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Conference Calls that get things done

Make your Conference Calls Productive (and not boring)

Are you a person who is very good at expressing ideas in person but find it difficult on a conference call (audio/video)?


Or are you busy with calls but not getting much outcomes?


Then this e-course is for you.


You don’t have to feel tensed anymore whenever you want to join the conference call. Because in this course, you will exactly learn how to master any kind of conference call.


By the end of this course, you will learn: 

●   Ways to avoid common conference call blunders

●   How to ensure everything goes as planned

●   How to make sure that everyone is engaged in the conference call

●   How to manage stragglers (slow learners) and latecomers

●   How to end the conference call

●   A checklist that will help you before every conference call

Benefits from this course:

➢  Knowing how to lead on the conference call 

➢  Presenting effectively on the conference call

➢  Leaving a good impression on everyone

➢  Being calmer throughout the conference call

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