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Blockchain for Developers

Take this series of courses to go from blockchain basics to developing IoT supply chain applications for blockchain business networks.

The first course covers basic blockchain concepts such as shared ledgers, smart contracts, provenance, and consensus. You’ll also see what makes a good blockchain network use case and finally build a simple blockchain network. The second course shows you how to create more complex blockchain applications. You’ll also learn what developers need to know to contribute to the overall blockchain solution for a business network. The last course shows you how to build a blockchain network for a specific use case: tracking food and other perishable goods through a supply chain. You’ll use an IoT asset tracker and Node-RED to track and collect temperature, motion, and other data. That data is fed to a blockchain network to be used as an immutable record of transaction history throughout the journey of the cargo. Enjoy these blockchain courses!

Course Information

Difficulty: Intermediate



Course Information

Difficulty: Intermediate