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Becoming a Smart & Skilful Employee in VUCA World

Transition from a Student to a Smart and Skilled Employee

This is a four Module Course on Various Challenges and Issues faced by today’s Employees in VUCA World. Discussion revolves around top ten trends in VUCA world, 2020 Covid Pandemic effect in Work Culture, Academia Institution Gap with Corporate sector, How Employees need to be well equipped as a smart and Skilled worker from Day 1 of joining their Employer.

Each module has a well defined AS-IS to TO-BE state, and final module summing the entire transition of whole four modules.

It has wide set of Videos with Examples and Illustrations, Quiz and Exercises to explore and know the views of diverse users taking the course. I wish to see lot of diverse opinion and feedback in each assignment which revolves around various issues of VUCA world and how future will look like.

I am sure it will be a great and fun filled learning experience with lot of practical examples and scenarios.

Thanks & Regards

Arvind Babu MC


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